Jackie Woods


Why did you join 10X Academy?

10X gives me the opportunity to better my skills not only in teaching but also in information technology as a STEM coach/IT Tech. Having the opportunity to teach students computer science while also getting hands-on experience in the subject itself felt like a no brainer to me.

How were you called to serve at 10X Academy?

I’m a hands-on learner who thrives with example and collaboration, which is what 10X prides themselves on. I understand that everyone learns differently, and everyone should have the opportunity to learn in a way that works best for them. I love that 10X provides an environment for kids to find their niche in a way that they want to learn and I knew it was a sign from God telling me this was the way to go.

What’s your background in education?

I graduated from Benedictine University at Mesa, AZ in 2021 with my Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science, then immediately went to San Diego State University and graduated with my Master’s of Science in Cybersecurity Management in 2023. During my many years of school, I spent time as an IT Assistant, Treasurer and President of my university’s Student Council 2019-2021, substitute teacher, and volleyball coach at the high school level for boys and girls. I also will soon be publishing my research on poisoning attacks on AI/machine learning cybersecurity applications later this year.

Something personal.

I played indoor and beach volleyball at the collegiate level at Benedictine University and still love to immerse myself in the game through coaching, watching, or playing for fun. I also love reading, talking about the latest movies or TV shows, attending concerts, and staying active either through lifting weights, running, or playing with my two boxer dogs.